
Seminar page

The Boundary Layer, Urban Meteorology, and Land-Surface Processes Seminar Series is hosted in the National Weather Center (1350) by the School of Meteorology on Mondays from 3:30-4:30 p.m. CT.

Schedule at a glance

Convener: Elizabeth-Smith
Live: Google Meet
Recording: YouTube Channel
Student Information: Syllabus


Analysis of Potential Wind Farm Impacts on Turbulent Mixing and the Nocturnal Low-Level Jet during the American WAKE ExperimeNt (AWAKEN)
Evaluation of convection-allowing model ensemble members using a network of planetary boundary layer observations from the TRACER field campaign
The Houston Urban Heat Island Effect: Motivation and Initial Findings from the 2022 TRACER Field Campaign
Evaluation of Flash Drought Identification with Machine Learning Techniques
Modeling the Effects of Turbulent Supersaturation Fluctuations in Large Eddy Simulations
Introduction to Blowing and Drifting Snow Processes and Their Representation in Numerical Models
NCAR ASP Atmospheric Boundary Layer Colloquium Experience
A Preliminary Analysis of the Impacts of Assimilating UAS Data in NSSL’s Experimental Warn-on-Forecast System


Quantifying the thermodynamic impacts on the atmospheric boundary layer due to the sea breeze in the coastal Houston region
Revisiting valley winds
An Early Look into Boundary Layer-Wind Farm Interactions from the American Wake Experiment
Understanding Boundary Layer Transport of Carbon-Based Pollutants During the TRACER Campaign Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
Turbulence regimes in the stable and convective boundary layers: tower observations and single-column modeling
Exploring CopterSonde Use for National Weather Service Operations


Sea-Breeze Events Near Houston During the TRACER-CUBIC Campaign
Subgrid-Scale Modeling of the Scalar Variance in Large Eddy Simulation
A preliminary examination of wind farm effects on the atmospheric boundary layer during the American WAKE ExperimeNt
Noah-MP parameter optimization at southern great plains using Bayesian Optimization
Investigating sea breeze impacts on the atmospheric boundary layer using UAS observations from the TRACER campaign
Diurnal variations of the Ekman layer in a Rossby wave
Dependence of Retrieved Cloud Properties on Environmental Conditions in Cold Air Outbreaks over the North Atlantic: Results from COMBLE
Long-Term Boundary Layer Evolution in the CHEESEHEAD 2019 Campaign and its Role in the 19-20 July 2019 Severe Weather Outbreak
Random Errors in the Stable Boundary Layer: Implications for Modern Observational Techniques
Upscaling the Coupled System of Water Flux and Heat Exchanges near the Soil Subsurface – towards Coupling with Atmospheric Processes


A Sneak Peek into Techniques for Improving Boundary Layer Height Measurements
Identification of Flash Drought Events using Machine Learning Techniques
Thermally-driven turbulent secondary flows: Prandtl’s secondary flow of the third kind
Dependence of Retrieved Cloud Properties on Environmental Conditions in Cold Air Outbreaks over the North Atlantic: Results from COMBLE
Disentangling the relative contribution of land-atmosphere coupling toward the evolution of extreme events