CLAMPS and CASS trailers at Kessler farm. Credit: NOAA/NSSL
BLISS Field Universalization Laboratory 2021
closed opportunity
Executive Summary
A group of collaborative researchers at OU, CIMMS, and NSSL, comprising the Boundary Layer Integrated Sensing and Simulation (BLISS) research group, propose to deploy boundary layer observing platforms at the OU Kessler Atmospheric and Ecological Field Station (KAEFS) to complete critical field-readiness tests and calibrations, enable new training and education opportunities at graduate and undergraduate levels, and conduct novel and convergent research. This deployment is called the BLISS Field Univeralization Laboratory, or BLISS-FUL. It is proposed to last just over one month (May/June 2021) and will include a two-day virtual workshop, one week of field testing, a demonstration day for community leadership, two days of training for students and early-career researchers, and approximately four weeks of scientific data collection.