WINDoe is an optimal estimation algorithm to retrieve wind profiles from common wind profiling instrumentation such as Doppler lidar, radar wind profilers, and UAS. The advantage of WINDoe over traditional wind retrieval techniques is that information from the prior helps to constrain regions of the profile where observations have large uncertainty or the wind is under-determined from the observatins available. This allows for more information content from wind profiling instrumentation to be used in retrieving the wind profile, which increases the depths and eliminates vertical data gaps when compared to traditional methods. The design of WINDoe also makes it easy to retrieve wind profiles from using data from multiple instruments or to retrieve wind profiles from non-traditional Doppler lidar scans. WINDoe was designed in a very similar manner to TROPoe, which is a optimal estimation algorithm that retrieves thermodynamic profiles from ground based remote sensors. The retrieval is extremely flexible and the configuation is controlled by the variable-input parameter file (VIP). The code and a user guide describing it are available on the OAR Observations Github. The algorithm is described in the JTech: Gebauer J. G. and T. M. Bell, 2024: A Flexible, Multi-Instrument Optimal Estimation Retrieval for Wind Profiles, J Tech,